Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Census Bureau Education Stats released

  The US Census bureau has released figures detailing high school and college completion rates, showing an almost doubled rate of salaries among college graduates over high school diploma holders. The report, named Educational Attainment in the United States: P20-153, displays a series of figures based on race, gender, and age, noting inequities in total earnings dependent on category.
  "Given the very large differences between younger and older age groups, the attainment level of the total population will continue to rise for some time," said Eric Newburger, co-author of the report, explaining how youthful, better educated groups will eventually replace older, less educated ones.
  While young adults aged 25-29 had a high school completion rate averaging 88 percent and a college degree earning rate of 28 percent, adults aged 25 and up trailed slightly behind, four percent less for high school diplomas and three percent less for bachelor degrees. This puts the edge in the younger crowd's figure, if only by a hair's-length.
  Aside from age, having a college diploma trumps the age-old standard of the high school diploma, at least money-wise. Those aged over 18 who possessed a high school diploma earned roughly $25,000 yearly, whereas college baccalaureate degree holders earned almost twice that at nearly $46,000 annually.
  Gender and race also played a role. Women earned degrees in both levels at around 30 percent over their male counterparts, while African-American graduation rates trailed roughly ten percent less than those attained by whites.
  Aside from age, gender and race, the study also revealed a slight inequity between rates of high school degree attainment dependent on geography. Mid-western groups held a minor lead over other regions, and southern groups lingered in last place.
  Below are a few of the specifics:
                                            High School degree              College Degree             
18 and over                             $24,572(avg. salary)          $45,687(avg. salary)

25 and over                              84%                                    25%

25-29                                        88%                                    28%

Whites                                      88%                                    28%

African Americans                   76%                                    15%

Midwest                                    87%

South                                        82%

"A degree will show my integrity," said Lawrence Laguna, 19, student at Valencia College in Orlando. "It'll show my ability to compete and strive and attain a career in my profession."

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